Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ranting on Winter Night

Dengan Nama Mu ya Allah.
Yang Maha Mengetahui Segala yg dilangit dan dibumi..

The most awaited event of the this term has come: Winter Break hoyeah!
and fyi, this winter i will be all alone. spending my own sweet time generating fat all over my body. yea it's no good but i just cant stop munching every freaking-cold-second! argh, spending my time at home this winter is quite torturing as the house definitely goina be an igloo. nak rolling in the duvet all the time pun tak tahan shivering! cakap pun keluar2 asap. and the last resort is to eat...nak generate haba laa kononnya. lemak je banyak kau. hampeh.

my housemates are working most of the time. they are earning money and burning the fat for God's sake. i really wanna work too....wuwuuw... :( :(
okeyh dahla tu sket2. malas nk sedih2. menyampah. post sedih drama air mata len kali laa cik et naa...

Actually, i want to rant on about something here. Something that pokes me this evening. haihh, how should i start this. I guess pretending that i'm writing a letter for you will do.

Dear ABC,
Truth is, i can't believe what my friend told me this evening. Its something related to you. And i have no idea what's the point she told me that. As far as i am concerned, no one knows about it. plus i don't go telling people things that i felt. But somehow what my friend told me this evening makes my heart skips a beat..

i can't believe people are gossiping. virtually. about us! damn it i hate it when they do that.
you know why, because the thought of it gonna makes me feel like it can actually happen. And i don't know whether it's a good thing or otherwise that they actually hope for the 'it' thing will happen to us. when in fact we're far from it. and i hate this feeling of hope and whatsoever! *but deep inside i do hope that they're praying for good and the best thing between us.

enough with what i've to put thru with all these days.
haih, i guess i can never make any sense. lastly;

Save the Best for the Last. babai kawan!

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