Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cita-cita baru!

ehehehe.... biasala, orang kalau dah xde kerja ni memang memanjang je banyak cita2 baru.
ok fokus2....
ni cita2 latest beta sepanjang winter break.ohoii bring it on... drum please.... (drumm rum rum rumm)

1.) nak jadi drummer. oyeah, bole release tension rasanya kalau pukol2 drum ni.
bergaya pun boleh tahan jugak sambil hangguk2 kepala. ohh cool nyaaaaa diriku!!

2.) nak have more beauty time for myself. (beauty bath, beauty sleep, beauty drinks bla2..)
harap2nya boleh laa distract myself from being so depress each day. i'A.

3.) okeyh cita2 ni sgttlaa suka...ohohoh, semenjak tgok desperate housewives ni, perasaan
nak jadi cantik dtg membuak2 melimpah.... so cadangnya nak mencantikkan rambut... nak buat style baru sket,...mcm Gabby wow wow wow elegantnyaa...
craving for this style :wavy ikal2 mayang kat atas, then bergulung2 lembut ibarat ombak pantai kat bawah, pastu bila jalan bouncing sket yg mcm gulungan pantai ittewh... wuahhhhhhhh..... bestnyaa nt boleh feeling2 model kat rumah. ohoiii taksabar! :P

4.) nak kuruskan badan... baru confident nak sarung baju..err tp so far mcm kena postpone dulu. winter sgt menggalakkan tabiat pemakanan yg luar biasa ye tuan2 dan puan2...
tp bolehlaa kalau nk stat control sket2....i'Allah...

ok dahla kot sket2 membebel.
it's time for my beauty sleep. :) bed, wait for me.

Allah kan Maha Mengetahui

mama, i miss you so bad.
i miss your strength
i miss your love.
i miss your touch.
i miss your nagging.
i miss the way you look deep into my eyes.
i miss the way you keep yourself altogether.
i miss the way you smile and laugh at my silly jokes.
i miss your tears, which come out whenever you reveal your feelings to me.

And now, i wonder.
what happen to you? can you survive?
how you're doing every sickening day of your life?
can you manage all the chores?
can you manage all the burden on your soft shoulders?
can you?

God i Miss my mommy.
and i can only pray for you from far.
May you'll be granted some strength to go thru this test.
May you find your happiness in this life and life hereafter.
And please ya Allah, for whatever the pain it costs you, let me carry half of it.
And i do hope...
that the pain i feel choking my soul every single day is at least half of what you're feeling.
So that i can lessen it for you.

I love you mommy, lillahiTaala.

Don't worry, I won't welcome you to my Life.

Do you ever feel like breaking down?

Do you ever feel out of place?

Like somehow you just don't belong

And no one understands you

Do you ever wanna runaway?

Do you lock yourself in your room?

With the radio on turned up so loud

That no one hears you screaming

No you don't know what it's like

When nothing feels all right

You don't know what it's like

To be like me

To be hurt

To feel lost

To be left out in the dark

To be kicked when you're down

To feel like you've been pushed around

To be on the edge of breaking down

And no one's there to save you

No you don't know what it's like

Welcome to my life

Do you wanna be somebody else?

Are you sick of feeling so left out?

Are you desperate to find something more?

Before your life is over

Are you stuck inside a world you hate?

Are you sick of everyone around?

With their big fake smiles and stupid lies

While deep inside you're bleeding

No you don't know what it's like

When nothing feels all right

You don't know what it's like

To be like me

No one ever lied straight to your face

No one ever stabbed you in the back

You might think I'm happy but I'm not gonna be okay

Everybody always gave you what you wanted

Never had to work it was always there

You don't know what it's like

Welcome to My life. *oh don't worry, i won't welcome you to my life. :)

Ranting on Winter Night

Dengan Nama Mu ya Allah.
Yang Maha Mengetahui Segala yg dilangit dan dibumi..

The most awaited event of the this term has come: Winter Break hoyeah!
and fyi, this winter i will be all alone. spending my own sweet time generating fat all over my body. yea it's no good but i just cant stop munching every freaking-cold-second! argh, spending my time at home this winter is quite torturing as the house definitely goina be an igloo. nak rolling in the duvet all the time pun tak tahan shivering! cakap pun keluar2 asap. and the last resort is to eat...nak generate haba laa kononnya. lemak je banyak kau. hampeh.

my housemates are working most of the time. they are earning money and burning the fat for God's sake. i really wanna work too....wuwuuw... :( :(
okeyh dahla tu sket2. malas nk sedih2. menyampah. post sedih drama air mata len kali laa cik et naa...

Actually, i want to rant on about something here. Something that pokes me this evening. haihh, how should i start this. I guess pretending that i'm writing a letter for you will do.

Dear ABC,
Truth is, i can't believe what my friend told me this evening. Its something related to you. And i have no idea what's the point she told me that. As far as i am concerned, no one knows about it. plus i don't go telling people things that i felt. But somehow what my friend told me this evening makes my heart skips a beat..

i can't believe people are gossiping. virtually. about us! damn it i hate it when they do that.
you know why, because the thought of it gonna makes me feel like it can actually happen. And i don't know whether it's a good thing or otherwise that they actually hope for the 'it' thing will happen to us. when in fact we're far from it. and i hate this feeling of hope and whatsoever! *but deep inside i do hope that they're praying for good and the best thing between us.

enough with what i've to put thru with all these days.
haih, i guess i can never make any sense. lastly;

Save the Best for the Last. babai kawan!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

bintang hati, pesona jiwa

oyehhh... eh bismillah...
malam ni tetiba rsa gedik nk update post bnyak2..padahal esaimen sla menunggu xsiap2 lg..haih,
sindrom org kurg siuman agaknya nih..

ha,, bukan apa...cuma homesick tahap gaban jaa seminggu dua nih..hari2 meleleh air mata sorg2 dlm bilik..kdg2 smpai penat, tp still...uhuk!

rindu kt mak, abg2, adik2, kakak2, rumah, toriq, maryam n sgalanya kt msia..w0ooaaaaaa :'(

jom browse piccas bntang2 hati sy!

meriah bsama mreka d pg raya
mak n abah :'(

tok bekerjaya n cucu hyper

ricky n bg ekal tebal ;p

n for all all you.
you're my sweetest nightingale,
but i can't hear you here no more..... :'(

so long, far thee well
the dancers and the dancing days have taken leave and fell,
so turn down this bed of stone
quench me with the deadly nightshade from the rose that you belong,

words have fallen like silent soldiers to the grave,
no matter what they do or say,
lay me on the sleepy meadow on the tracks upon your face..

bila rasa itu harus pergi...

bismillah...dgn nama Allah, Ilah yg Maha Indah...

Ya Rabb
ku tahu, rasa ini hanya pinjaman,
pinjaman yg mendamaikan
pinjaman yg mententeramkan
jiwa yg kekosongan.

Ya Rabb
ku tahu, rasa ini hadirnya dariMu
yg tanpa izinMu,
segalanya mana mungkin mengetuk kalbu
yang kian lama dingin dan kaku.

Ya Rabb
namun ku juga sedar,
rasa ini tidak layak
rasa ini tidak punya hak
untuk terus menetap di hati
yg hanya kepunyaan Ilahi.

kupanjatkan syukur kpdMu
yg telah mnyedarkan
sesungguhnya jarum2 syaitan itu halus meresap
ke lubuk hati ini yg kurang mantap

mengaburkan mata jiwa
yg buruk itu indah
yg jelek itu gah
yg maksiat itu lumrah
yg dosa itu pahala..

ampuni aku
hapuslah rasa jiwa
hapuslah rasa nista
kembalikan segalanya hanya kpd Mu
Yg Maha Pencipta....

wahai hati, tenanglah dikau dgn Penciptamu... :')

Monday, June 14, 2010

In the name of Allah, i begin...

ehem..ehem..testing 1..2..3.. last..after 6 months of thinking n considering things..,i'v decided to start blogging..
huh,,it really was a hard decision to make bcause of 1 thing; i dunno wt 2 write n how 2 express my feelings like evryone else. 2nd; i'm sure dat i'l only post 1 or 2 entry, n then dats it.. no more.
heh, LAZY...dats d word! n 3rd; erk..i hv problems in choosing my own pronoun in my blog..shud it b saya/aku/patik/hamba/i...(ish,,ni y mls nk wt blog nih,,nk guna pronoun yg mna pon susahhh nk plihh) last2....ahh,,ekot mood je la nk tulih apa.
Even though most of my peers got their own blog, i never give a damn bout it before.however, 1 day sum1 said 2 me dat "mnulis boleh masuk syurga"...
strting from dat, i started thinking bout it. n now,, tadaaa!! here i am!!

okk,, back 2 business et!
frankly, it's like dis..

Bismillahirrohmanirrohim....smpena bulan Rejab,,bulan Allah y Maha Mulia ini, saya ingin mncuba sberapa daya usaha sy utk menulis demi mncapai redha Ilahi...akan sy selitkan sberapa bnyak mngkin ilmu yg sy peroleh dr mna2 sumber or even pngalaman sy sndiri yg dpt djadikan iktibar n pngalaman... i'Allah,,smoga Allah sntiasa bsama sy dlm mlaksanakan urusan ini...
namun, andai ada content yg xsdap dbaca or agak2 xmncapai objektif saya, harap dimaafkan..
anyway,,, enjoy! (erk,,walopun contentnya agak serabut n merapu)

cis,,egt nk tulis sket je 4 intro nih,,tp tpnjang la plakkk..sabar je la...
et, len kali,,post mst pndek2 je..kalo x,,termembebel cmni lg..adess

"ya Allah,,berkatilah kami,,rahmatilah kami,, redhailah kami spnjg brada dlm bln Rejab n Syaaban ini..n sampaikanlah km kpd Ramadhan Mu..."

ye adik2 d luar sna,,k et nk bpesan kpd dri snirikk n jg adik2 semua,,..jgn lupa bpuasa ya d spnjg bln Rejab n Syaaban ni...bnyakk fadhilatnya...kta jg dpt mmpsiapkn diri mhadapi Ramadhan karim ....bnyakkn zkrullah jgk taw adik2 skalian ! xlupa jgk,,marilah kt kerapkan mbca al-Quran agar hati kt sntiasa brsih n dsinari cahaya dr kalam Ilahi...chewah,,dh mcm rncangan kanak2 la plakk...anyway,,renung2kn, n slmt beramal!!